The most wonderful time of the year!

There’s only 5 and a bit weeks until Christmas, so it’s the perfect time to stock up on your Christmas cards!

In a slight break with tradition, this year my Christmas card pack has 10 cards rather than 8, featuring 4 gorgeously festive, wintery landscapes painted by my Mum, Naomi Jefferis.


How amazing are these?! I wish I could jump, Mary-Poppins-style, right into these winter wonderlands!

However, I haven’t abandoned tradition entirely! Each pack contains 3 festive characters, stylishly living their best Christmas life.


Even in the unlikely event of a December blizzard, these ladies would still look flawless whilst shopping for trees and wreaths, or Christmas presents and gingerbread houses.

And nothing makes Christmas like your favourite festive treats.


Whether it’s a hot chocolate filled with marshmallows or baileys, or warm spiced mulled wine or perhaps it’s a selection of delicious fancy, festive, fizzy cocktails!

So if you’d like to spread your Merry Christmas wishes with my illustrated cards, head on over to my shop!


My first Colouring Book!


Hot cross buns