So, I think I might be solar powered

Last week, after months of avoiding my sketchbook, I finally found some inspiration. I started sketching again, I was brimming with ideas and I was excited to get my paints out.


Then, as the week wore on and the skies clouded over, I found myself slouching onto the sofa rather than heading to my painting table (or kitchen table, if you want to give it it’s official name). 

I was wrapping myself up in blankets, snuggling up to the radiator rather than opening the back door letting in the sunshine and fresh breeze. I had non-stop, feel good movies on the tv, rather than pop punk and rock pouring out of my speakers. 

I even tidied away my easel and paints out the way, putting my water jar back on the windowsill.


As quickly as inspiration arrived, it had left. I had all the hours in the day at home with my paints, but no inclination to pick up a pencil.

Then, this morning, I came downstairs and sunshine was pouring into the kitchen. I opened the back door and wandered onto the deck while the kettle was boiling. I made my tea, sat at my painting table and wrote my first few paragraphs in months. 

Inspiration recharged.



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